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Canadian Forces  Sniper’s Rifle  —  the 7.62mm Parker-Hale C3A1

CF sniper with Parker-Hale C3A1 C3A1 in the field - note 20 power spotting scope Parker-Hale’s C3A1  —  the Standard CF  7.62mm  Sniper’s Rifle
The British M82 sniper’s rifle entered CF service in the 1970s as the C3. Parker-Hale rifles have Mauser actions, the C3s being distinquished by their extended bolt handles and detachable box magazines.*  A change to Unertl scopes resulted in the C3A1.  In the late ’90s, the CF replaced all C3A1 wood ‘furniture’ with composite A2 stocks by McMillan Bros. Use of a bolt-action rifle may seem anachronistic, but proponents argue that automatic rifles are less accurate (and the recent experiences of CF sniper teams in Afghanistan seem to bear out this conclusion).

Identifying Features - 7.62mm C3A1

C3A1 Data and Specifications

Role: Specialist’s Sniping Rifle

CF-ese: Rifle, Sniper, 7.62mm, C3A1

Translation: Second model of the C3 rifle

In Service: total number unknown

Well-camouflaged C3A1 at Kandahar Canadian Sniper’s Rifles in Afghanistan
The CF’s sniping tactics have undergone a major revision since 2000 when the new 12.7mm McMillan Tac-50 was introduced. But the 7.62mm C3A1 rifle still has a major role to play.  Although primary shooters now use the larger-calibre weapons, team commanders continue to wield C3A1s for back-up**. This new arrangement proved highly successful in Afghanistan where 3PPCLI sniper teams accompanied  US  101st Airborne troops clearing the Shah-i-kot of Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters.

Afghan C3A1 - note 'scope cover and tan paint over-spray CF Sniper’s Rifle Replacement
To maintain proficiency, a sniper must fire thousands of rounds in practice. So, even in peacetime, a sniper’s rifles wear out relatively quickly. The CF began its search for a C3A1 replacement prior to the Afghan deployment.  Recent combat experience by 3PPCLI sniper teams will obviously have a major effect on the chosen replacement.  The C3A1 has done its job admirably but parts are becoming difficult to locate and the rifles are wearing out.  Time for a new CF sniper’s rifle.

*  C3A1s,  like the C3s before them, have 6-round detachable box magazines ( most M82s have Mauser-style 4-round internal magazines). The C3A1 is considered accurate out to 400m  (with a 99% probability of a hit on the first shot)  but CF snipers are trained to go out 800m.
**  Security for the snipers is provided by ‘spotters’ armed with  C7A1 rifles  (often fitted with a telescopic sight)  or with  C8 ‘carbines’.

Photo Credits  —   Parker-Hale C3A1 side view: CASR Image, all other images:  Department of National Defence